Is Accounting ripe for disruption — again? The journey into the land of mobile accounting continue...

I wrote Is Accounting ripe for disruption - again? about six weeks ago, as a preparation for the Asymconf conference in Amsterdam, held by Horace Dediu from

It’s time to revise it, and to continue the exploration of mobile accounting.

This exploration, or travel, into the land of accounting, will be guided by questions like:
  1. Why Mobile accounting?
  2. What’s “The Job to be done” in Mobile accounting
  3. What is accounting — a glimpse into the General Ledgers inner secrets, to what I call the Kernel
  4. What job does the Kernel being hired to do inside accounting?
  5. Are there other jobs that can hire the Kernel?
  6. What are the Accounting Programs Providers dilemma
  7. What job does humanity needs to hire mobile accounting for?

As all explorers know, there is way more we don't know than we currently know. The journey will need people with open minds and deep knowledge, and my hope is that we together can get a glimpse of this future.

Let’s start the journey!

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