What to expect on WWDC today

It has never been so easy to write, blog, program and take photos with the help of Apple devices as of now. And still Apple will show to night, how they will make the whole experience even better.

I expect hundreds of small feature enhancements, and some really big ones. Each of the small will make the experience of using Apple’s devices a slightly more pleasant. The big ones will kick the market in the Post-PC direction.

The first of the big ones, retina display on laptops, will be of the most important. The relief these displays gives our sore eyes, and the increased pleasure for our senses, will now include a MacBook.

The second is Siri. I expect her to be even more useful, and really give the keyboard a run for the money, with helping us fulfill our everyday tasks.

The third is iCloud. We know already that the Mac will be properly integrated. This will make office work a lot easier.

And then I’ve some wishes. I’m longing for a:

  • Siri API so that I can make an accounting assistant 
  • A way to publicize from iCloud, and some way to better manage it, so my accounting program can synchronize better. I expect it done by better programming support for Core Data in iCloud.

With the hundreds of new features and enhancements, Apple’s Post-PC devices are just going to be easier to use, and open up for innovative new apps and content.

This fertile app soil, the real gift we will continue to reap from Steve Jobs legacy: a vibrant Eco-system and state-of-the-art technology!

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