Why Apps Need Some Sense and Sensibility - It's like @OM talks about #ifacturas...

from GigaOM 
The mobile phone is not made for textual interactions, but instead, it is one, which has similar visual and contextual capabilities as we have. To achieve that goal, the app developers need to think differently and use sensor data inputs as a core building block of their overall user experience, just as they do with the data that comes from the social graph.

iFacturas iPhone and WP7 apps use GPS in order to find the nearest customer when you ask for a new bill and to find adresses. It use the camera to document billing-lines. Users can swipe between bills and enlarge and minimize gestures open and close subscreens.
A Norwegian version is available here. Next Norwegian and Spanish version will come this week and the US version in some weeks.
To me Om Malik from GigaOM.com words, was like he knew about iFacturas. This is unlikely, unless he reads this post. But how could he know...

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