App Lifecycle implication for our Homepage is making it an App. #apps #cloud #ios #wp7

I thought that yesterday's post "8 touch-mobile-cloud implications for your Homepage" was enough for my developers but the answer I got was "I don't know how to do what I want, but I know what want". So here we go:
I googled my news-roll for HTML5/CSS3 framework and got a couple of good answers in Mashable and Smashing Magazine. Reading way to much I found it was worth investigating Appcelator Titanium, Sencha Touch and HTML5 Boiler-plate. The last week I took a look at iSites and AppMakr.
It is compelling and fun stuff all over, and it's hard to choose one above another. So I did a walk on the shore, trying to connecting my monster serie last week, with what I've investigated today.
Walking is good for thoughts, an half-way I knew the one most important criteria: we are an iOS and WP7 app company, so we can drop the PC crap all-together, and (don't scream, Android).
If we ever do something on a browser we will use Silverlight. So IE6, IE7, IE8 are irrelevant, as are Firefox, Chrome and Opera. That leaves HTML5 Boilerplate and Appcelator out of the game, and leaves Sencha Touch, iSites and AppMakr together with native iOS and WP7 development. What a relief!
So what do we do? Well I will suggest creating a Homepage app using native applicaiton or in one of the three mentioned above for iOS.
I really do think if people don't use their phone with apps, they will never think about using us. We are few, our resources are scare and we have to do what we do excellent. Excellent means fast; fast development and fast rendering and execution. The conventional wisdom was once that 3 seconds was acceptable. Designing my GL21 Framework I considered 0.3 seconds was fast enough. Google has shown this summer that we have to go down to one sixth of that to be considered fast: ie. 0.05 seconds.
It will be way fun to see the developers and marketers read this tomorrow. Will they consider me insane? And you, what do you think?

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