Why is it so hard to follow great social commenters like @scobleizer and @asymco?

The short answer:

They repeat content and they are poor on time and media context. (Do you hear that Scoble? - you're not contextual enough!)

The long answer:

As brilliant they both are, I don’t like to see their message repeated by themselves, and I miss a coherent view of they’re publishing.

Repetition of content

As much as I love these publishers, I really don’t like to hear the same story many times.
Horace Dediu seems to autopost from tweets and blogposts to Facebook and twitter to both his personal and professional accounts. This make me see the same up to 6 times!

Loss of time context

I like to see the life of these people’s ideas; the seeds, the writing/talking and their comments.

Flipping through their different media make me lose the timeline, missing track on context.

Horace has normally a flood of comments. To pick his own comments to them is difficult.

Scoble is active on a lot of platforms, where Google Hangouts and The Glimmer Gang has been most important for me.

And it’s getting worse!

The number of media is increasing. Google Hangout and Quora are some of Scoble’s darlings. New audio and video format just make it even more difficult.

Solution: OverBlog as an über-media bridge

OverBlog is ideal for these multi-media publishers. We get their whole media presence, and we get it I the correct timeline.


The OverBlog biggest features contribution could be that it will let us distribute our social comments on the relevant format for each individual message:

  1. Tweets for the short public expression
  2. Facebook for a bit longer more emotional message
  3. Instagram for pictures
  4. Blogpost for articles
  5. Podcast for long discussions

OverBlog will let us hone our skills in each of the formats, and not just serve as publishing helpers.

I just saw that Scoble had moved to OverBlog! Great!

Go ahead @hdediu, @moonalice, @mattRichman, @om, @sarahcuda, @parislemon and @gruber and all of you I don't reminder just now, let us really see your stuff as a whole!

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