What makes apps delightful? - by @om

Om Malik has written another great post on what makes a great app. Om tells about a favourite shop, and connect this experoence to the apps world. He sums up:

There are few ways an app can work toward a better experience. It all starts with overcoming three major constraints with today’s mobile and smartphone experience:

  1. Network speeds, despite all the talk from carriers are limited and thus not conducive to heavy download activity.
  2. Limited screen real estate, which puts premium on every pixel.
  3. Finite number of mobile gestures (that don’t involve using the keyboard.)

He goes through why fast is better, why size matters and why Facebook login is so important.

Om Malik posts excites me. They excites me so much that I've been paying for his Pro service for some months. I must try to meet that guy when I'm in SF...

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