App Search Engine for Users and Developers

Just read a post by VentureBeat stating that Quixey, a new startup, is offering a multi-platform search engine that will make life easier for both end users and developers.

Here's a part of the story:

Quixey, a new startup that’s developing a search engine dedicated to mobile apps, announced today that it will also make life easier for developers by giving them an easy way to manage their apps across multiple stores.
Such a feature would be a boon to developers, since they can manage messaging for theirs apps in one location instead of having to visit each app store one at a time. Additionally, Quixey’s App Developer accounts will allow devs to see what users are saying about their apps in one location. The company says it has received “extremely positive feedback” from developers who’ve been testing out the accounts.
Quixey’s search technology will also scrape the web to find all available versions of apps, which will remind developers of the platforms they haven’t yet hit, and will offer consumers an easy way to see which platforms their favorite apps support.
Quixey has built from scratch an app search engine that responds to user needs. For example, a query of “find cheap gas” will bring up apps that will help with just that. Founders Tomer Kagan and Liron Shapira call this “functional search” and they describe it as “a new type of search specifically for the app world.”
Read the original full post here.

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